Press Release
Peterson-Pew Commission Recommends Major Revisions to Federal Budget Process
The Peterson-Pew Commission has released a series of recommendations for reforming the federal budget process as a way to help stabilize the nation’s debt as a share of the economy. The report, Getting Back in the Black, concentrates on three primary areas of improvement: fiscal targets, budgetary triggers, and improved transparency.
Press Release: Latest Warning on Nation's Credit Risk Reinforces Peterson-Pew Commission Recommendations
Last week, Moody’s Investor Services issued an unsettling warning that the nation’s triple A credit rating could be at risk unless improvements to the nation’s fiscal trajectory are made. The Peterson-Pew Commission recommends that Congress and the White House adopt an ambitious but achievable target that would reduce the public debt.
Peterson, Pew, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget Partner to Drive Budget Reform
In light of daunting economic challanges facing the nation, the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget have teamed up to build bipartisan support for a core set of budget reforms. The Commission will convene the nation's leading budget experts to make recommendations on how to best strengthen the federal budget process.